My birthday!
I turned 22 on the 9th and had a beautiful meal with close friends
and family in Sarastro's in Covent Garden.
Can't even begin to describe what a magical place this is, I felt like I was in another world.
If you are ever anywhere near I suggest popping in, even if only to stare open mouthed at all the
amazing stuff and search all the hidden corners filled with books and old notes from people.
Truly stunning.
Throwing caution to the wind!
Spending far too much money in Superdrug. Such a nice guilt.
Feeling homey.
It was nice being back home in London for a few days and seeing much missed family and friends (and dogs!).
Did miss the sea though!
Falling in love with an object.
Balenciaga part time.
Metallic nail polish.
Can't. Get. Enough.
Dark lips.
YSL rouge volupte in forbidden burgundy is the lip of choice at the mo.
Smelling delish.
Getting A LOT of perfume for my birthday. Hello Flowerbomb.
Joining the real world of phones that do more than ..er phone.
My new bright pink nokia c3. lush!
The fingerless ones with the flip over mitton bit. Love.
Life generally being pretty damn good!
Badman Hangovers
The two day hangover I had after drinking what seems like 70 bottles of rose
on my non family birthday night out in brighton was just delightful.
The bitter cold London weather at the moment!
I don't mind wrapping up, but come on! I don't want my lungs frozen just from breathing.
Chipped nail polish.
You annoy me. Sod off.
Overly massive bags
That I always end up (accidentally) bashing myself
or others with.. I need a handbag ASBO.
Winter perfume.
I know, I know, it's bloody cold and we should all be reaching
for our favourite "wintery" perfume, but in an attempt to prolong that summery feeling
I have been dousing my self in everything floral and fresh. which is odd in it'self
as I'm a warm and spicy perfume lover all year round usually.
D&G #3 L'imperatrice is a favourite right now
Annoying computer viruses.
Not being able to get into my blog.
That was a right bugger.
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